Section Camperships

Campership applications are due Wednesday, March 15, 2023!

The section offers financial assistance for those wishing to attend a national program sponsored by the Order of the Arrow. This campership is limited to:

–  National Order of the Arrow Conference

–  Order of the Arrow Philmont Trail Crew

–  Order of the Arrow Wilderness Voyage

–  Order of the Arrow Canadian Odyssey

–  Order of the Arrow Ocean Adventure – Paused for 2023

–  Order of the Arrow Summit Experience

–  Order of the Arrow Staff at National Jamboree – Operation Arrow

Depending on the number of applications received and funds available, not all applications may receive funding. The deadline for this application is March 15, 2023.

Requirements: Be a member in good standing of one of the lodges in E10 and meet all the requirements necessary to attend the national OA program you choose.

Applications may be emailed to or delivered by your lodge chief to the E10 Council of Chiefs.